Klume 🐏 Dokomi@KlumeScribbles

    Not sure if I will be able to finish this but I want to have to do something during a down time!

    Not sure if I will be able to finish this but I want to have to do something during a down time!
    Klume 🐏 Dokomi@KlumeScribbles

    Do you know this feeling where you draw/work on something for a good hour but then your brain goes

    Do you know this feeling where you draw/work on something for a good hour but then your brain goes
    Klume 🐏 Dokomi@KlumeScribbles

    tbh my version of how I compliment my artist mutuals

    tbh my version of how I compliment my artist mutuals
    Klume 🐏 Dokomi@KlumeScribbles

    found an older intro comic page for m OC story and ngl I like the style its kinda poggers there is a bit of text missing tho *in the end we lost the most fertile part of our homeland

    found an older intro comic page for m OC story and ngl I like the style its kinda poggers
there is a bit of text missing tho
*in the end we lost the most fertile part of our homeland
    Klume 🐏 Dokomi@KlumeScribbles

    @GellersanSBF @caelnu @YuumiSSBU @Winterspell_SSB @shoegazeSSB Das hat einen Namen, Toleranz Paradoxon.

    @GellersanSBF @caelnu @YuumiSSBU @Winterspell_SSB @shoegazeSSB Das hat einen Namen, Toleranz Paradoxon.