Mondo Mascots@mondomascots

    Meshiyama, a fuzzy robot with a rice ball on its head and a power button on its belly that turns it into a giant battle machine, is the mascot of Iiyama Computers.

    Meshiyama, a fuzzy robot with a rice ball on its head and a power button on its belly that turns it into a giant battle machine, is the mascot of Iiyama Computers.
    Meshiyama, a fuzzy robot with a rice ball on its head and a power button on its belly that turns it into a giant battle machine, is the mascot of Iiyama Computers.
    Mondo Mascots@mondomascots

    An elephant doctor with an endoscope trunk explains colonscopies in Japanese hospitals.

    An elephant doctor with an endoscope trunk explains colonscopies in Japanese hospitals.
    An elephant doctor with an endoscope trunk explains colonscopies in Japanese hospitals.
    Mondo Mascots@mondomascots

    Yassa-kun is the mascot of Togane City, Japan. He is a boy reluctantly participating in a local festival, and his design was drawn in 5 minutes by a teenager.

    Yassa-kun is the mascot of Togane City, Japan. He is a boy reluctantly participating in a local festival, and his design was drawn in 5 minutes by a teenager.
    Yassa-kun is the mascot of Togane City, Japan. He is a boy reluctantly participating in a local festival, and his design was drawn in 5 minutes by a teenager.
    Mondo Mascots@mondomascots

    Shirokuma, a left-handed polar bear, is the mascot of Hidarikiki No Dōguten, an online left-handed tool store.

    Shirokuma, a left-handed polar bear, is the mascot of Hidarikiki No Dōguten, an online left-handed tool store.
    Mondo Mascots@mondomascots

    Amabie, the mythological long-haired sea creature said to ward off pandemics, appears on new bags of Babystar Dodekai snack in Japan.

    Amabie, the mythological long-haired sea creature said to ward off pandemics, appears on new bags of Babystar Dodekai snack in Japan.

