Shirokuma, a left-handed polar bear, is the mascot of Hidarikiki No Dōguten, an online left-handed tool store.
Amabie, the mythological long-haired sea creature said to ward off pandemics, appears on new bags of Babystar Dodekai snack in Japan.
Japan's Tottori City has a mascot named Tottori-shi, a man with a chicken on his head.
Kanagawani, a blue crocodile with a bird on its head that has a treble clef on its head, is the mascot of the Japanese TV station TV Kanagawa.
Yomu-ku, a polar bear with a breast pocket for paperbacks, is the new mascot for paperback publisher Kodansha Bunko and was introduced to celebrate their 50th anniversary.
Yassa-kun is the mascot of Togane City, Japan. He is a boy reluctantly participating in a local festival, and his design was drawn in 5 minutes by a teenager.
Tokyo Banana Rakko is a sponge cake filled with coffee and banana cream, with a sea otter drawn on it.
Japan's Tottori City has a mascot named Tottori-shi, a man with a chicken on his head.
Shirokuma, a left-handed polar bear, is the mascot of Hidarikiki No Dōguten, an online left-handed tool store.
Shigoto Neko, a sweaty worker cat, appears in a new poster that warns about heat stroke, released by the Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association.
Japan's Tottori City has a mascot named Tottori-shi, a man with a chicken on his head.
Sanrio are now selling various items featuring their characters wearing masks.
Colon-chan is an intestine-haired character who encourages colon cancer screening in Miyoko City, Japan.