
    For those of you saddened about no Bridal Sigurd/Deirdre, I do have a thought. Legendary Units have been powercrept before with the inclusion of Pair Up with L!Roy. It's feasible that Duo L!Heroes could happen. Duo L!Sigurd/Deirdre. Not outside the realm of possibility.

    For those of you saddened about no Bridal Sigurd/Deirdre, I do have a thought. Legendary Units have been powercrept before with the inclusion of Pair Up with L!Roy. It's feasible that Duo L!Heroes could happen.

Duo L!Sigurd/Deirdre. Not outside the realm of possibility.

    When you mention that Nemesis was something of a shoe-horned final boss for the Golder Deer route and probably should've been Silver Snow exclusive

    When you mention that Nemesis was something of a shoe-horned final boss for the Golder Deer route and probably should've been Silver Snow exclusive

    Boy, I love taking the time to draw up contracts and do other prep work for a huge freelancing gig only to be dropped last second because I won't potentially commit tax fraud. There goes all my good vibes for the week. Yay.

    Boy, I love taking the time to draw up contracts and do other prep work for a huge freelancing gig only to be dropped last second because I won't potentially commit tax fraud.

There goes all my good vibes for the week. Yay.

    The harrowing realization that I've been playing Fire Emblem Heroes for half a decade. Time is an illusion. Happy 5th Anniversary, #FEHeroes.

    The harrowing realization that I've been playing Fire Emblem Heroes for half a decade.

Time is an illusion. Happy 5th Anniversary, #FEHeroes.

