Pamela Ojeda@Drawloverlala

    A silly idea I got just when I was trying to draw Marino?

    A silly idea I got just when I was trying to draw Marino?
    Pamela Ojeda@Drawloverlala

    Looking through my old folders I came across this copy of the first issue of Archie Megaman that I got at the first (and only one so far) comiccon that I visited! It was years ago, I think the first comiccon made in Santiago ? I am not 100% sure lol

    Looking through my old folders I came across this copy of the first issue of Archie Megaman that I got at the first (and only one so far) comiccon that I visited! 
It was years ago, I think the first comiccon made in Santiago ?
I am not 100% sure lol
    Looking through my old folders I came across this copy of the first issue of Archie Megaman that I got at the first (and only one so far) comiccon that I visited! 
It was years ago, I think the first comiccon made in Santiago ?
I am not 100% sure lol
    Looking through my old folders I came across this copy of the first issue of Archie Megaman that I got at the first (and only one so far) comiccon that I visited! 
It was years ago, I think the first comiccon made in Santiago ?
I am not 100% sure lol
    Looking through my old folders I came across this copy of the first issue of Archie Megaman that I got at the first (and only one so far) comiccon that I visited! 
It was years ago, I think the first comiccon made in Santiago ?
I am not 100% sure lol
    Pamela Ojeda@Drawloverlala

    I have nothing new for April fools but here ? this is something I drew some time ago on MSPaint lol

    I have nothing new for April fools but here ?
this is something I drew some time ago on MSPaint lol
    Pamela Ojeda@Drawloverlala

    Without revealing your age, what's the first video game you remember playing I think the first one may have been a DOS Barbie game about coloring that I can't find any picture of ? All I know is that it came with pictures much like this ?

    Without revealing your age, what's the first video game you remember playing

I think the first one may have been a DOS Barbie game about coloring that I can't find any picture of ?
All I know is that it came with pictures much like this ?
    Pamela Ojeda@Drawloverlala

    Rock, Thunder Scissors (?) I am not sure about the title of this comic lol

    Rock, Thunder Scissors (?)
I am not sure about the title of this comic lol