
    Also I made a small tutorial (?) for friends and decided to translate and share it with you :> I'm not claiming it's rules or smth, it's just some ways to express things in drawing that I'm using myself ?

    Also I made a small tutorial (?) for friends and decided to translate and share it with you :>
I'm not claiming it's rules or smth, it's just some ways to express things in drawing that I'm using myself ?
    Also I made a small tutorial (?) for friends and decided to translate and share it with you :>
I'm not claiming it's rules or smth, it's just some ways to express things in drawing that I'm using myself ?
    Also I made a small tutorial (?) for friends and decided to translate and share it with you :>
I'm not claiming it's rules or smth, it's just some ways to express things in drawing that I'm using myself ?
    Also I made a small tutorial (?) for friends and decided to translate and share it with you :>
I'm not claiming it's rules or smth, it's just some ways to express things in drawing that I'm using myself ?

    @LaurantNyamo I often use it for finding a solution: watch at unsettling thing on my pic and ask - what's purpose of it? What i'm trying to show with it? If i can't find an answer - just rid of it. OR if i know the answer - i can make my statement bigger! Tell me if you still have questions :>

    @LaurantNyamo I often use it for finding a solution: watch at unsettling thing on my pic and ask - what's purpose of it? What i'm trying to show with it? If i can't find an answer - just rid of it. OR if i know the answer - i can make my statement bigger!
Tell me if you still have questions :>

    @PonwellArt hmm maybe it could be more understandable on illustration sometimes it feels like picture falling apart at coloring step and i usually fix it with reducing numbers of colors that i use for it :> tell me if you still have questions!

    @PonwellArt hmm maybe it could be more understandable on illustration
sometimes it feels like picture falling apart at coloring step and i usually fix it with reducing numbers of colors that i use for it :>
tell me if you still have questions!

    W-WOW numbers on this post is insane!!! :\\\\O Thank you, everyone!!! I really hope it'll help someone :3 I did a small addition from questions in comments so I put it here too! ?

    W-WOW numbers on this post is insane!!! :\\\\O Thank you, everyone!!! I really hope it'll help someone :3
I did a small addition from questions in comments so I put it here too! ?
    W-WOW numbers on this post is insane!!! :\\\\O Thank you, everyone!!! I really hope it'll help someone :3
I did a small addition from questions in comments so I put it here too! ?

    ALSO!!! small comics from today's session :D and a bit Vivi doodles

    ALSO!!! small comics from today's session :D and a bit Vivi doodles
    ALSO!!! small comics from today's session :D and a bit Vivi doodles
    ALSO!!! small comics from today's session :D and a bit Vivi doodles
    ALSO!!! small comics from today's session :D and a bit Vivi doodles

