Thought that new meme format was funny and wanted to try something with these two XD #sk8theinfinity #renga

    Thought that new meme format was funny and wanted to try something with these two XD  

#sk8theinfinity #renga

    Something I've been meaning to draw for a bit ^^ I'm always so happy for the support and that people like the things I do and wanna buy things or pledge on patreon! But, there's also always a sense of guilt XDDD

    Something I've been meaning to draw for a bit ^^
I'm always so happy for the support and that people like the things I do and wanna buy things or pledge on patreon!
But, there's also always a sense of guilt XDDD

    Polaris wakes up! :D Yildun stayed by his side the whole time! <3 #starcrossed

    Polaris wakes up! :D
Yildun stayed by his side the whole time! <3  


    Polaris awakens!! And he is still just thinking Yildun's a handsome fellow~ This time Yildun can at least feel relieved that the words are coming from a very much alive Poalris! XD #starcrossed

    Polaris awakens!!
And he is still just thinking Yildun's a handsome fellow~
This time Yildun can at least feel relieved that the words are coming from a very much alive Poalris! XD  


    An angelic fool!!! I think this one is pretty neat ^^ #angelicArcana

    An angelic fool!!! I think this one is pretty neat ^^  


