Polaris has some pretty big scars after that battle! Yildun is pretty shocked, but, of course, he is just concerned about Polaris! ^^

    Polaris has some pretty big scars after that battle!
Yildun is pretty shocked, but, of course, he is just concerned about Polaris! ^^

    Drew these two with pen and ink :D Been a while since I did a traditional piece! ^^ #starcrossed

    Drew these two with pen and ink :D
Been a while since I did a traditional piece! ^^  

    Drew these two with pen and ink :D
Been a while since I did a traditional piece! ^^  


    Streaming! Star Crossed Volume 2 and Mafia AU ^^ https://t.co/TfgSKAbDcv

Star Crossed Volume 2 and Mafia AU ^^

    Something dumb I noticed about characters I like to create XD On the left is Yildun from my current comic Star Crossed, and on the right is Kaidou from one of my first comics One Rainy Day ^^

    Something dumb I noticed about characters I like to create XD
On the left is Yildun from my current comic Star Crossed, and on the right is Kaidou from one of my first comics One Rainy Day ^^

    Lolol, a fun little joke comic! @FoxpirateAce suggested the idea that Mirach is actually after Yildun, which I thought was super amusing! X3 Polaris would have 0 chill!

    Lolol, a fun little joke comic!
@FoxpirateAce suggested the idea that Mirach is actually after Yildun, which I thought was super amusing! X3
Polaris would have 0 chill!

