Henrieke Goorhuis@HenriekeDraws

    Thanks to everyone I chatted with last night, I had fun! Here's a Henry I drew for @WickedSairahArt.

    Thanks to everyone I chatted with last night, I had fun! Here's a Henry I drew for @WickedSairahArt.
    Henrieke Goorhuis@HenriekeDraws

    Here's a portrait I drew after meeting Ulrich in 2013

    Here's a portrait I drew after meeting Ulrich in 2013
    Henrieke Goorhuis@HenriekeDraws

    More stuff I drew for people

    More stuff I drew for people
    More stuff I drew for people
    More stuff I drew for people
    Henrieke Goorhuis@HenriekeDraws

    Here's a self portrait I drew as a teenager back in 2008 and absolutely nothing has changed

    Here's a self portrait I drew as a teenager back in 2008 and absolutely nothing has changed
    Henrieke Goorhuis@HenriekeDraws

    And of course, any Bommel & Tom Puss original is always a total pleasure to see up close.

    And of course, any Bommel & Tom Puss original is always a total pleasure to see up close.
    And of course, any Bommel & Tom Puss original is always a total pleasure to see up close.
    And of course, any Bommel & Tom Puss original is always a total pleasure to see up close.
    And of course, any Bommel & Tom Puss original is always a total pleasure to see up close.

