RJ Palmer@arvalis

    My beautiful baby boys, I will finish you someday

    My beautiful baby boys, I will finish you someday
    My beautiful baby boys, I will finish you someday
    My beautiful baby boys, I will finish you someday
    RJ Palmer@arvalis

    Here's a cool tip for how I did this

    Here's a cool tip for how I did this
    RJ Palmer@arvalis

    Not the worst Godzilla I've ever drawn if you count child me.

    Not the worst Godzilla I've ever drawn if you count child me.
    RJ Palmer@arvalis

    I did that initial rough thumbnail at 3am right after beating the game so its particularly sloppy. At first I tried it in a landscape format but it just wasn't working. Bonus red sketch is from when Koraidon was first announced and the limbs are just warmup doodles.

    I did that initial rough thumbnail at 3am right after beating the game so its particularly sloppy. At first I tried it in a landscape format but it just wasn't working. Bonus red sketch is from when Koraidon was first announced and the limbs are just warmup doodles.
    RJ Palmer@arvalis

    To add onto this: the horizon line will pass through all figures of the same height at the same place. So you can correctly scale figures back in space like this. Also really helps with keeping distant doors, stairs, and monsters in the right scale.

    To add onto this: the horizon line will pass through all figures of the same height at the same place. So you can correctly scale figures back in space like this. 

Also really helps with keeping distant doors, stairs, and monsters in the right scale.
    To add onto this: the horizon line will pass through all figures of the same height at the same place. So you can correctly scale figures back in space like this. 

Also really helps with keeping distant doors, stairs, and monsters in the right scale.