RJ Palmer@arvalis

    To add onto this: the horizon line will pass through all figures of the same height at the same place. So you can correctly scale figures back in space like this. Also really helps with keeping distant doors, stairs, and monsters in the right scale.

    To add onto this: the horizon line will pass through all figures of the same height at the same place. So you can correctly scale figures back in space like this. 

Also really helps with keeping distant doors, stairs, and monsters in the right scale.
    To add onto this: the horizon line will pass through all figures of the same height at the same place. So you can correctly scale figures back in space like this. 

Also really helps with keeping distant doors, stairs, and monsters in the right scale.
    RJ Palmer@arvalis

    The main reason it took so long outside the obvious is that originally I was planning to just do the canon designs for the items but after doing my Link redesign I foolishly decided to redesign every single item. Not counting Link himself there are 87 items in there.

    The main reason it took so long outside the obvious is that originally I was planning to just do the canon designs for the items but after doing my Link redesign I foolishly decided to redesign every single item. Not counting Link himself there are 87 items in there.
    The main reason it took so long outside the obvious is that originally I was planning to just do the canon designs for the items but after doing my Link redesign I foolishly decided to redesign every single item. Not counting Link himself there are 87 items in there.
    The main reason it took so long outside the obvious is that originally I was planning to just do the canon designs for the items but after doing my Link redesign I foolishly decided to redesign every single item. Not counting Link himself there are 87 items in there.
    The main reason it took so long outside the obvious is that originally I was planning to just do the canon designs for the items but after doing my Link redesign I foolishly decided to redesign every single item. Not counting Link himself there are 87 items in there.