draw venti to roll venti. i'll finish travellers eventually...

    draw venti to roll venti. i'll finish travellers eventually...

    #primalartparty #umbraartparty finally made it to one :D thank you for hosting! i was mostly tabbed out but it was super cool to be there. here's the first art party sketch batch of hopefully many more to come ?

    #primalartparty #umbraartparty finally made it to one :D thank you for hosting!
i was mostly tabbed out but it was super cool to be there. here's the first art party sketch batch of hopefully many more to come ?
    #primalartparty #umbraartparty finally made it to one :D thank you for hosting!
i was mostly tabbed out but it was super cool to be there. here's the first art party sketch batch of hopefully many more to come ?
    #primalartparty #umbraartparty finally made it to one :D thank you for hosting!
i was mostly tabbed out but it was super cool to be there. here's the first art party sketch batch of hopefully many more to come ?

    albedo story interpretation (pre festering desire) #GenshinImpact #原神

    albedo story interpretation (pre festering desire)

#GenshinImpact #原神
    albedo story interpretation (pre festering desire)

#GenshinImpact #原神

    2020! didnt finish much this year :(

    2020! didnt finish much this year :(

    hello 2021 im a zenoswol shipper........i finally mustered up the courage to post these on public pls no bonky ;_; i drew a lot of them last year, here are some favourites

    hello 2021 im a zenoswol shipper........i finally mustered up the courage to post these on public pls no bonky ;_; i drew a lot of them last year, here are some favourites
    hello 2021 im a zenoswol shipper........i finally mustered up the courage to post these on public pls no bonky ;_; i drew a lot of them last year, here are some favourites
    hello 2021 im a zenoswol shipper........i finally mustered up the courage to post these on public pls no bonky ;_; i drew a lot of them last year, here are some favourites

