#XueXiao OOC!慎入!凶尸洋X复生星 多年之后晓星尘复生又过了很多年他再一次来到了义城,那时义城已经变成一片废墟荒无人烟,但他在哪里看到了一个人确切说是一具凶尸,正是薛洋,它在一个极小的范围徘徊着,晓星尘看的出那是义庄的房间格局,
#XueXiao OOC!Fierce Corpse-Yang X Revived-Xing Years later, Xiao Xingchen was revived... more years passed when he once again set foot in Yi City. The place was completely desolated, but he saw someone, no, a fierce corpse there.
#XueXiao (补翻译) Context: Xue Yang drugged himself, to lure Daozhang into bed with him?
#XueXiao Xue Yang used a spell to make Daozhang thinks he's a cat (as long as he doesn't speak). However everyone else (eg. A-Qing) knows the truth. So A-Qing and DaoZhang was communicating terribly regarding the "cat"/human. Don't ask me the physics of his weight and all
#宿伏 壁咚
#人渣反派自救系统 #冰秋 #SVSSS 哭哭攻
#浪浪钉 快速摸鱼高光时刻!祝老师们节日快乐!P2是参考
#人渣反派自救系统 #冰秋 #SVSSS OOC!慎入!!番外NTR 冰哥冰妹X师尊 NTR太好吃了!而且是自己绿自己!这种的我可以磕一万遍!!!XP爆炸!!
#xuexiao #MoDaoZhuShi
#XueXiao 日版广播剧的洋太可爱了!毛茸茸的头发
#XueXiao OOC!慎入!凶尸洋X复生星 多年之后晓星尘复生又过了很多年他再一次来到了义城,那时义城已经变成一片废墟荒无人烟,但他在哪里看到了一个人确切说是一具凶尸,正是薛洋,它在一个极小的范围徘徊着,晓星尘看的出那是义庄的房间格局,
#XueXiao 2 OOC!杀手奶爸!杀手洋X盲人星(星不知道他是杀手) 洋:我买个菜就回来~ (づ‾3‾)づ╭❤~