FrAgMenT 👻@IFrAgMenTIx

    If someone asked me I fell for Wraith since day one when I saw her in the reveal cinematic. But since then I also like to jump between Wattson and Octane. Sometimes you just wanna go super fast or super adorable you know? 😄 #apexartistmain

    If someone asked me I fell for Wraith since day one when I saw her in the reveal cinematic.
But since then I also like to jump between Wattson and Octane.
Sometimes you just wanna go super fast or super adorable you know? 😄
    If someone asked me I fell for Wraith since day one when I saw her in the reveal cinematic.
But since then I also like to jump between Wattson and Octane.
Sometimes you just wanna go super fast or super adorable you know? 😄
    FrAgMenT 👻@IFrAgMenTIx

    @_jelart My handy friend 🤍

    @_jelart My handy friend 🤍
    FrAgMenT 👻@IFrAgMenTIx

    @PlayApex damn it @ryonello my heart....

    @PlayApex damn it @ryonello

my heart....
    FrAgMenT 👻@IFrAgMenTIx

    @_jelart struck me with her clean linework and her use of tones. The values just hit right and each panel flowed perfectly into the next. Special mention for good boi Arthur and Octane throwing a nade at Lifeline's window 😄

    @_jelart struck me with her clean linework and her use of tones. The values just hit right and each panel flowed perfectly into the next.
Special mention for good boi Arthur and Octane throwing a nade at Lifeline's window 😄
    @_jelart struck me with her clean linework and her use of tones. The values just hit right and each panel flowed perfectly into the next.
Special mention for good boi Arthur and Octane throwing a nade at Lifeline's window 😄
    FrAgMenT 👻@IFrAgMenTIx

    @kkxuroky layed the perfect ground work for what was to come. I especially loved Wraith's forced smile expression in one of the final panels and how manga it looked. I wished I knew how to use screentones that well :D

    @kkxuroky layed the perfect ground work for what was to come. I especially loved Wraith's forced smile expression in one of the final panels and how manga it looked.
I wished I knew how to use screentones that well :D