FrAgMenT 👻@IFrAgMenTIx

    Can't believe I am drawing Naruto again. And it's Wattson. AND it's canon. #ApexLegends #Wattson #workinprogress ✍️

    Can't believe I am drawing Naruto again.

And it's Wattson.

AND it's canon.

#ApexLegends #Wattson #workinprogress ✍️
    FrAgMenT 👻@IFrAgMenTIx

    👀🟠🟣🥷✍🏻 #ApexLegends #workinprogress


#ApexLegends #workinprogress
    FrAgMenT 👻@IFrAgMenTIx

    So glad to see that the Sasuke Wraith concept finds so many fans 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Thanks for all the likes, comments, qrts and rts👏🏻✨ Now I can go back to the original illustration that I have been working on :D #ApexLegends🥷 #workinprogress

    So glad to see that the Sasuke Wraith concept finds so many fans 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Thanks for all the likes, comments, qrts and rts👏🏻✨ 
Now I can go back to the original illustration that I have been working on :D

#ApexLegends🥷 #workinprogress
    FrAgMenT 👻@IFrAgMenTIx

    👀 Vantage in progress~ ✍️✨

Vantage in progress~
    FrAgMenT 👻@IFrAgMenTIx

    Now where do I put Echo? 👀 Another WiP ✨ Happy season start everyone! 🙌🏻 #ApexLegends #Vantage #workinprogress

    Now where do I put Echo? 👀
Another WiP ✨
Happy season start everyone! 🙌🏻

#ApexLegends #Vantage #workinprogress
    Now where do I put Echo? 👀
Another WiP ✨
Happy season start everyone! 🙌🏻

#ApexLegends #Vantage #workinprogress