Sometimes shirtless Eivor is best. And naturally she will be drawn buff.

    Sometimes shirtless Eivor is best. And naturally she will be drawn buff.

    And a sketch of Randvi, shes grown on me a lot. I cant draw her with kassandra's hair so she gets her concept art one.

    And a sketch of Randvi, shes grown on me a lot. I cant draw her with kassandra's hair so she gets her concept art one.

    Its looking like i wont bother with playing Cyberpunk2077 if it continues to look horrible on console. I'll just draw my cyberpunk lass instead. ?

    Its looking like i wont bother with playing Cyberpunk2077 if it continues to look horrible on console. I'll just draw my cyberpunk lass instead. ?

    A few more draws of Ophelia. She always looks tired or annoyed. #witcherlass

    A few more draws of Ophelia. She always looks tired or annoyed. #witcherlass

    Ophelia tired while witcherlasses flirt with her. She just wants sleep, hot bath and be pampered on.

    Ophelia tired while witcherlasses flirt with her. She just wants sleep, hot bath and be pampered on.

