Izzy Burton@izzyburtonart

    ?✨ Some fiction development work that fell through - was a shame as I loved it and really wanted to do the project. The AD really liked it, but the powers to be decided on a new direction and are rebriefing. Anyway here's an insight into how I pitch illo ideas to a client. ☺️

    ?✨ Some fiction development work that fell through - was a shame as I loved it and really wanted to do the project. The AD really liked it, but the powers to be decided on a new direction and are rebriefing. Anyway here's an insight into how I pitch illo ideas to a client. ☺️
    ?✨ Some fiction development work that fell through - was a shame as I loved it and really wanted to do the project. The AD really liked it, but the powers to be decided on a new direction and are rebriefing. Anyway here's an insight into how I pitch illo ideas to a client. ☺️