Solace Daily news

    Solace Daily news

    yeah found him in a burning trash bin in a smelly alleyway

found him in a burning trash bin in a smelly alleyway

    100% accurate prediction of me playing through all of Endwalker:

    100% accurate prediction of me playing through all of Endwalker:

    please stop ( one of those rare times when Venat probably wondered if she made the right choice in picking her successor, feat. Azem!Rayvero )

    please stop
( one of those rare times when Venat probably wondered if she made the right choice in picking her successor, feat. Azem!Rayvero )
    please stop
( one of those rare times when Venat probably wondered if she made the right choice in picking her successor, feat. Azem!Rayvero )
    please stop
( one of those rare times when Venat probably wondered if she made the right choice in picking her successor, feat. Azem!Rayvero )

    I'm def going with the "Ray gets her memories as Azem much earlier in the story during ShB", but instead of them being useful, 99% is random dumb shit of no value at all like her trying to find a sock for 30 minutes and then being late for Convocation meeting and Ray is like

    I'm def going with the "Ray gets her memories as Azem much earlier in the story during ShB", but instead of them being useful, 99% is random dumb shit of no value at all like her trying to find a sock for 30 minutes and then being late for Convocation meeting and Ray is like