please stop ( one of those rare times when Venat probably wondered if she made the right choice in picking her successor, feat. Azem!Rayvero )

    please stop
( one of those rare times when Venat probably wondered if she made the right choice in picking her successor, feat. Azem!Rayvero )
    please stop
( one of those rare times when Venat probably wondered if she made the right choice in picking her successor, feat. Azem!Rayvero )
    please stop
( one of those rare times when Venat probably wondered if she made the right choice in picking her successor, feat. Azem!Rayvero )

    I'm def going with the "Ray gets her memories as Azem much earlier in the story during ShB", but instead of them being useful, 99% is random dumb shit of no value at all like her trying to find a sock for 30 minutes and then being late for Convocation meeting and Ray is like

    I'm def going with the "Ray gets her memories as Azem much earlier in the story during ShB", but instead of them being useful, 99% is random dumb shit of no value at all like her trying to find a sock for 30 minutes and then being late for Convocation meeting and Ray is like

    a little addition to the previous picture he is not having a good time being wasted

    a little addition to the previous picture
he is not having a good time being wasted

    While trying to protect Minfilia from sin eaters, Grani and Ray were knocked over the edge of a cliff, with the "horse" knocked out briefly, and they fell to what would likely be their death. 7/9

    While trying to protect Minfilia from sin eaters, Grani and Ray were knocked over the edge of a cliff, with the "horse" knocked out briefly, and they fell to what would likely be their death. 

    But it was in that desperate moment when her first true memory briefly came on its own - of her flying on the creature once, along with its name, which prompted the WoL to call to Grani and have it take flight for the first time again, saving both them and Minfilia. 8/9

    But it was in that desperate moment when her first true memory briefly came on its own - of her flying on the creature once, along with its name, which prompted the WoL to call to Grani and have it take flight for the first time again, saving both them and Minfilia. 