the biggest mystery of one piece

    the biggest mystery of one piece

    everyone always talks about QUWROF WRLCCYWRLIR but no one ever talks about YELLMI or KKKYAU

    everyone always talks about QUWROF WRLCCYWRLIR but no one ever talks about YELLMI or KKKYAU
    everyone always talks about QUWROF WRLCCYWRLIR but no one ever talks about YELLMI or KKKYAU
    everyone always talks about QUWROF WRLCCYWRLIR but no one ever talks about YELLMI or KKKYAU

    i was thinking about how ken's grades went down after he stopped being digimon emperor, he must've got some coaching

    i was thinking about how ken's grades went down after he stopped being digimon emperor, he must've got some coaching

    me every time Oda introduces new smile fruit users #onepiece993

    me every time Oda introduces new smile fruit users #onepiece993

    this is one of my favorite panels this chapter, i love how Jimbei feels like a newbie so he's trying not to overstep boundaries in the group dynamic ?? #onepiece993

    this is one of my favorite panels this chapter, i love how Jimbei feels like a newbie so he's trying not to overstep boundaries in the group dynamic ?? #onepiece993