Daniel Chong@threebarebears

    Loved making this episode! "My Clique" was a chance to explore Chloe's world and inner struggles-- https://t.co/8IIS13J5yA

    Loved making this episode!

"My Clique" was a chance to explore Chloe's world and inner struggles-- https://t.co/8IIS13J5yA
    Daniel Chong@threebarebears

    The opening was a chance to establish Chloe and Bears' new relationship together -- I thought them playing charades would be a fun way to have them interact and show how comfortable they are with each other

    The opening was a chance to establish Chloe and Bears'  new relationship together -- I thought them playing charades would be a fun way to have them interact and show how comfortable they are with each other
    The opening was a chance to establish Chloe and Bears'  new relationship together -- I thought them playing charades would be a fun way to have them interact and show how comfortable they are with each other
    The opening was a chance to establish Chloe and Bears'  new relationship together -- I thought them playing charades would be a fun way to have them interact and show how comfortable they are with each other
    The opening was a chance to establish Chloe and Bears'  new relationship together -- I thought them playing charades would be a fun way to have them interact and show how comfortable they are with each other
    Daniel Chong@threebarebears

    We also used the opening to establish for the first time Chloe's ethnicity- so we had an exchange with her on the phone in Korean. Btw, i think toonboom struggled with Korean characters in the file lol

    We also used the opening to establish for the first time Chloe's ethnicity- so we had an exchange with her on the phone in Korean.

Btw, i think toonboom struggled with Korean characters in the file lol
    Daniel Chong@threebarebears

    At the Boba shop, the Bears find out that Chloe struggles connecting with her much older peers--also doesn't help they keep labeling her as the "prodigy".

    At the Boba shop, the Bears find out that Chloe struggles connecting with her much older peers--also doesn't help they keep labeling her as the "prodigy".
    Daniel Chong@threebarebears

    The acting on Chloe in this scene was super charming (boarded by Bert Youn)

    The acting on Chloe in this scene was super charming (boarded by Bert Youn)

