Hello! I'm going on hiatus. Thank you for supporting me up until today! I hope to share my art again soon ?

    Hello! I'm going on hiatus. Thank you for supporting me up until today! I hope to share my art again soon ?
    Hello! I'm going on hiatus. Thank you for supporting me up until today! I hope to share my art again soon ?

    the process for "Pinky Promise" (: i stumbled into a lot of problems when making this. i thought i could just dive in and work on it straight ahead w/o planning. turns out i was wrong 😂 i hated this for a while, but im thankful for it for teaching me a lot of stuff

    the process for "Pinky Promise" (:

i stumbled into a lot of problems when making this. i thought i could just dive in and work on it straight ahead w/o planning. turns out i was wrong 😂 i hated this for a while, but im thankful for it for teaching me a lot of stuff
    the process for "Pinky Promise" (:

i stumbled into a lot of problems when making this. i thought i could just dive in and work on it straight ahead w/o planning. turns out i was wrong 😂 i hated this for a while, but im thankful for it for teaching me a lot of stuff



    Something I did for Drawtober 2021. I was originally supposed to make 10 designs, but in the end I could only make 5 (+1 prototype piece). Halfway is still better than nothing though ( ' ▽ ` )b

    Something I did for Drawtober 2021. I was originally supposed to make 10 designs, but in the end I could only make 5 (+1 prototype piece). Halfway is still better than nothing though ( ' ▽ ` )b

    sketches from our trip [:

    sketches from our trip [:
    sketches from our trip [:
    sketches from our trip [:
    sketches from our trip [: