quick notes on a bahay na bato study. i really want to explore the bahay the bato more once i have the time :]

    quick notes on a bahay na bato study. i really want to explore the bahay the bato more once i have the time :]

    more stuff, from a training earlier this year

    more stuff, from a training earlier this year
    more stuff, from a training earlier this year
    more stuff, from a training earlier this year

    sketches from election day while waiting in line. how do artists sketch people without looking like a creep?

    sketches from election day while waiting in line. how do artists sketch people without looking like a creep?
    sketches from election day while waiting in line. how do artists sketch people without looking like a creep?
    sketches from election day while waiting in line. how do artists sketch people without looking like a creep?
    sketches from election day while waiting in line. how do artists sketch people without looking like a creep?

    photoshop tip: use the crop tool to help you setup guidelines

    photoshop tip: use the crop tool to help you setup guidelines
    photoshop tip: use the crop tool to help you setup guidelines
    photoshop tip: use the crop tool to help you setup guidelines

    mermaid figure drawings!! [: references from @JookpubStock

    mermaid figure drawings!! [: references from @JookpubStock
    mermaid figure drawings!! [: references from @JookpubStock
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