Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY! at the Scranton Comic Con https://t.co/BFkRgKrjsX. Come on in and let's talk Spider-Man 2099..

    Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY! at the Scranton Comic Con https://t.co/BFkRgKrjsX. Come on in and let's talk Spider-Man 2099..
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    @jpalmiotti Jimmy's being modest about his contribution. Check this out, from Painkiller Jane 6

    @jpalmiotti Jimmy's being modest about his contribution. Check this out, from Painkiller Jane 6
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Nice to get back to a little continuity. Ep 41 of Korak the Killer, by subscription at https://t.co/BbiUtV1JpI, @EdgarRBurroughs Words (to come) by the estimable @ronmarz

    Nice to get back to a little continuity. Ep 41 of Korak the Killer, by subscription at https://t.co/BbiUtV1JpI, @EdgarRBurroughs 
Words (to come) by the estimable @ronmarz
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Multitasking- drawing pics and giving my congressperson a piece of my mind. Try it!

    Multitasking- drawing pics and giving my congressperson a piece of my mind. Try it!
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    A little light for a Saturday with snow on the way

    A little light for a Saturday with snow on the way