(wip) i love impa they really snapped with her design

    (wip)  i love impa they really snapped with her design

    wip, ocs, this drawing i just did of kei and goro is so cute bWEEE they can't help liking each other

    wip, ocs,

this drawing i just did of kei and goro is so cute bWEEE they can't help liking each other

    time traveler aita he has some upsetting realizations about the calamity and their missions to prevent it...as well as being perhaps the only one there that knows its true scope

    time traveler aita
he has some upsetting realizations about the calamity and their missions to prevent it...as well as being perhaps the only one there that knows its true scope
    time traveler aita
he has some upsetting realizations about the calamity and their missions to prevent it...as well as being perhaps the only one there that knows its true scope
    time traveler aita
he has some upsetting realizations about the calamity and their missions to prevent it...as well as being perhaps the only one there that knows its true scope
    time traveler aita
he has some upsetting realizations about the calamity and their missions to prevent it...as well as being perhaps the only one there that knows its true scope

    daydreaming ab a scenario where aita would help sooga and master kohga fight against astor

    daydreaming ab a scenario where aita would help sooga and master kohga fight against astor

    wanted to draw 1. pre-calamity link not being used to anyone being worried for his safety and 2. height difference with aita in his 20s and link still at 18...

    wanted to draw 1. pre-calamity link not being used to anyone being worried for his safety and 2. height difference with aita in his 20s and link still at 18...

