I think kabru is the funniest character, I can't think of anyone else thats just so effortlessly hilarious because of the shit he gets wrapped up in, and it's his own fault. he's a genuinely good and heroic person, maybe even more than laios, but you love to see him go through it

    I think kabru is the funniest character, I can't think of anyone else thats just so effortlessly hilarious because of the shit he gets wrapped up in, and it's his own fault. he's a genuinely good and heroic person, maybe even more than laios, but you love to see him go through it
    I think kabru is the funniest character, I can't think of anyone else thats just so effortlessly hilarious because of the shit he gets wrapped up in, and it's his own fault. he's a genuinely good and heroic person, maybe even more than laios, but you love to see him go through it
    I think kabru is the funniest character, I can't think of anyone else thats just so effortlessly hilarious because of the shit he gets wrapped up in, and it's his own fault. he's a genuinely good and heroic person, maybe even more than laios, but you love to see him go through it
    I think kabru is the funniest character, I can't think of anyone else thats just so effortlessly hilarious because of the shit he gets wrapped up in, and it's his own fault. he's a genuinely good and heroic person, maybe even more than laios, but you love to see him go through it

    modern day laios wouldn't just be commissioning furry art, he is a furry artist. he's designing unique species adoptables and making thousands of dollars because of all the time and effort he pours into them

    modern day laios wouldn't just be commissioning furry art, he is a furry artist. he's designing unique species adoptables and making thousands of dollars because of all the time and effort he pours into them
    modern day laios wouldn't just be commissioning furry art, he is a furry artist. he's designing unique species adoptables and making thousands of dollars because of all the time and effort he pours into them
    modern day laios wouldn't just be commissioning furry art, he is a furry artist. he's designing unique species adoptables and making thousands of dollars because of all the time and effort he pours into them

    i just realized that when you convert their ages to a tallman timeline, otta is LESS mature than the halfling women she dates. her age comes out to be about 20 years old while her dates would be middle aged. they probably leave her bc they realize she's not growing up!

    i just realized that when you convert their ages to a tallman timeline, otta is LESS mature than the halfling women she dates. her age comes out to be about 20 years old while her dates would be middle aged. they probably leave her bc they realize she's not growing up!

    kabru probably told laios this story to make a connection, he was probably like "i'll tell him a monster story that's actually a little positive for me. he can learn a little bit about me, and hopefully he'll share something about him too!" with anyone else it would have worked

    kabru probably told laios this story to make a connection, he was probably like "i'll tell him a monster story that's actually a little positive for me. he can learn a little bit about me, and hopefully he'll share something about him too!" with anyone else it would have worked
    kabru probably told laios this story to make a connection, he was probably like "i'll tell him a monster story that's actually a little positive for me. he can learn a little bit about me, and hopefully he'll share something about him too!" with anyone else it would have worked

    shuro falling in love with falin because she was admiring something that most women would find ugly and terrifying. meanwhile everyone thinks laios is a freak and a menace to society because he admires monsters in exactly the same way

    shuro falling in love with falin because she was admiring something that most women would find ugly and terrifying. 
meanwhile everyone thinks laios is a freak and a menace to society because he admires monsters in exactly the same way
    shuro falling in love with falin because she was admiring something that most women would find ugly and terrifying. 
meanwhile everyone thinks laios is a freak and a menace to society because he admires monsters in exactly the same way



Frikk ✨@eldhug