if this page represents chilchuck's relationships as a dating sim...his affection for senshi and laios is the highest hehe

    if this page represents chilchuck's relationships as a dating sim...his affection for senshi and laios is the highest hehe
    if this page represents chilchuck's relationships as a dating sim...his affection for senshi and laios is the highest hehe
    if this page represents chilchuck's relationships as a dating sim...his affection for senshi and laios is the highest hehe

    canon confirmation

    canon confirmation

    i just remembered this page, too. from the very moment that laios found kensuke, the winged lion was watching him and being like. thats my guy. thats the guy thats gonna get me out of here.

    i just remembered this page, too. from the very moment that laios found kensuke, the winged lion was watching him and being like. thats my guy. thats the guy thats gonna get me out of here.


    dungeon meshi spoilers what was he saying to him here...do you think kabru could tell something was weird

    dungeon meshi spoilers
what was he saying to him here...do you think kabru could tell something was weird
    dungeon meshi spoilers
what was he saying to him here...do you think kabru could tell something was weird

