The Portuguese GameDev Community held an online Discord event yesterday! Joined along them by drawing characters by the talented @WhalesAndGames @ErtaiGM @ForTheWarp @edform @inimerino @Alarka @funpunchgames @MarcoValeKaz @jcccastanheira! Patiently waiting for next time! 👋

    The Portuguese GameDev Community held an online Discord event yesterday! Joined along them by drawing characters by the talented @WhalesAndGames @ErtaiGM @ForTheWarp @edform @inimerino @Alarka @funpunchgames @MarcoValeKaz @jcccastanheira!

Patiently waiting for next time! 👋

    Jojo fans, don't forget to #WashYourHands 🤖👐🧼

    Jojo fans, don't forget to #WashYourHands 🤖👐🧼

    Let Jojo and Dio teach you about #SocialDistancing

    Let Jojo and Dio teach you about #SocialDistancing

    Finally got around to play Death and Taxes. Lost the notion of time during my first run. It's quite great and imaginative! The freakin' cat made me chuckle and rage and laugh and then some. 😼 @DeathNTaxesGame, it's superb.

    Finally got around to play Death and Taxes. Lost the notion of time during my first run. It's quite great and imaginative! The freakin' cat made me chuckle and rage and laugh and then some. 😼

@DeathNTaxesGame, it's superb.

    @theartfight I also would like to share some character sheets from our characters at @WhalesAndGames! We're still preparing more, but I still hope you like 'em as much as we do!!

    @theartfight I also would like to share some character sheets from our characters at @WhalesAndGames! We're still preparing more, but I still hope you like 'em as much as we do!!
    @theartfight I also would like to share some character sheets from our characters at @WhalesAndGames! We're still preparing more, but I still hope you like 'em as much as we do!!
    @theartfight I also would like to share some character sheets from our characters at @WhalesAndGames! We're still preparing more, but I still hope you like 'em as much as we do!!
    @theartfight I also would like to share some character sheets from our characters at @WhalesAndGames! We're still preparing more, but I still hope you like 'em as much as we do!!

