Sketches and concept stuff, 'cause that's always fun. I love!! using digital tools as a drafting table! ? ko-fi:

    Sketches and concept stuff, 'cause that's always fun. I love!! using digital tools as a drafting table!
? ko-fi:
    Sketches and concept stuff, 'cause that's always fun. I love!! using digital tools as a drafting table!
? ko-fi:
    Sketches and concept stuff, 'cause that's always fun. I love!! using digital tools as a drafting table!
? ko-fi:

    A few months ago I made ink out of the hulls of the black walnut trees out back- had been meaning to try it for years! A few monster blobs with a Brause 66ef nib (which felt really, really nice to use)

    A few months ago I made ink out of the hulls of the black walnut trees out back- had been meaning to try it for years! A few monster blobs with a Brause 66ef nib (which felt really, really nice to use)
    A few months ago I made ink out of the hulls of the black walnut trees out back- had been meaning to try it for years! A few monster blobs with a Brause 66ef nib (which felt really, really nice to use)
    A few months ago I made ink out of the hulls of the black walnut trees out back- had been meaning to try it for years! A few monster blobs with a Brause 66ef nib (which felt really, really nice to use)

    Here's the whole thing! Would've posted it first, but I felt incredibly sheepish about not using a ruler :J

    Here's the whole thing! Would've posted it first, but I felt incredibly sheepish about not using a ruler :J

    Baboon and mandrill studies from photos:

    Baboon and mandrill studies from photos:
    Baboon and mandrill studies from photos:

    And lastly a quick scribble of gobble-y basilisk, concept for something a little larger...

    And lastly a quick scribble of gobble-y basilisk, concept for something a little larger...

