Wolpertinger-in' 8)

    Wolpertinger-in'  8)
    Wolpertinger-in'  8)
    Wolpertinger-in'  8)

    Have been very withdrawn lately. Not entirely a positive or negative thing, but I realize that folks might worry, so: I'm alive and around, just haven't managed to make much. Recently found a draw-with-your-pals app thingy, which has been a joy. So 'ere's a doodle!

    Have been very withdrawn lately. Not entirely a positive or negative thing, but I realize that folks might worry, so:  I'm alive and around, just haven't managed to make much.

Recently found a draw-with-your-pals app thingy, which has been a joy. So 'ere's a doodle!

    Slowly coming back to life, it seems. :] Doodling with the lovely @weavrrcat and it feels like old times. Pardon the resolution, these are utterly microscopic

    Slowly coming back to life, it seems. :] Doodling with the lovely @weavrrcat and it feels like old times.  Pardon the resolution, these are utterly microscopic
    Slowly coming back to life, it seems. :] Doodling with the lovely @weavrrcat and it feels like old times.  Pardon the resolution, these are utterly microscopic
    Slowly coming back to life, it seems. :] Doodling with the lovely @weavrrcat and it feels like old times.  Pardon the resolution, these are utterly microscopic
    Slowly coming back to life, it seems. :] Doodling with the lovely @weavrrcat and it feels like old times.  Pardon the resolution, these are utterly microscopic

