Lee Paisley@karpetshark

    haha oops

    haha oops
    Lee Paisley@karpetshark

    me 5 seconds after seeing wicked for the first time

    me 5 seconds after seeing wicked for the first time
    Lee Paisley@karpetshark

    as of yesterday i've sold my soul to the owl to learn japanese.... (and maybe a little spanish too because that's, you know, useful)

    as of yesterday i've sold my soul to the owl to learn japanese.... (and maybe a little spanish too because that's, you know, useful)
    Lee Paisley@karpetshark

    i'm not crying you're crying

    i'm not crying you're crying
    Lee Paisley@karpetshark

    Here's my commission info! (if you're interested, email me at pastelferret@gmail.com)

    Here's my commission info!
(if you're interested, email me at pastelferret@gmail.com)
    Here's my commission info!
(if you're interested, email me at pastelferret@gmail.com)
    Here's my commission info!
(if you're interested, email me at pastelferret@gmail.com)
    Here's my commission info!
(if you're interested, email me at pastelferret@gmail.com)