
    Extremely basic tutorial for how I create these dual images. It's all about creating a very neutral base for yourself that has occlusion shadows and basic textures but no real light or shadow elements. I'm going to thread a couple other examples of my neutral bases.

    Extremely basic tutorial for how I create these dual images. 

It's all about creating a very neutral base for yourself that has occlusion shadows and basic textures but no real light or shadow elements. I'm going to thread a couple other examples of my neutral bases.
    Extremely basic tutorial for how I create these dual images. 

It's all about creating a very neutral base for yourself that has occlusion shadows and basic textures but no real light or shadow elements. I'm going to thread a couple other examples of my neutral bases.
    Extremely basic tutorial for how I create these dual images. 

It's all about creating a very neutral base for yourself that has occlusion shadows and basic textures but no real light or shadow elements. I'm going to thread a couple other examples of my neutral bases.
    Extremely basic tutorial for how I create these dual images. 

It's all about creating a very neutral base for yourself that has occlusion shadows and basic textures but no real light or shadow elements. I'm going to thread a couple other examples of my neutral bases.

    Process of "Katara's Childhood"

    Process of "Katara's Childhood"
    Process of "Katara's Childhood"
    Process of "Katara's Childhood"
    Process of "Katara's Childhood"

    Happy plant kids ??

    Happy plant kids ??
    Happy plant kids ??

    Evolving first has its benefits ☔

    Evolving first has its benefits ☔

    Sketch ➡️ Final

    Sketch ➡️ Final
    Sketch ➡️ Final

