
    François Boucq ( @FrancoisBoucq ) I insist, it's the most creative spirit of French comics.

    François Boucq ( @FrancoisBoucq )
I insist, it's the most creative spirit of French comics.
    François Boucq ( @FrancoisBoucq )
I insist, it's the most creative spirit of French comics.
    François Boucq ( @FrancoisBoucq )
I insist, it's the most creative spirit of French comics.
    François Boucq ( @FrancoisBoucq )
I insist, it's the most creative spirit of French comics.

    @JulienMoya Je me demande si il est possible de faire un générateur de Plantu, je trouve qu'en remixant ses dessins au hasard, ça a bien plus de sens :

    @JulienMoya Je me demande si il est possible de faire un générateur de Plantu, je trouve qu'en remixant ses dessins au hasard, ça a bien plus de sens :



    I see the #SixFanarts everywhere here. I lack of time for this challenge, but it's the occasion to repost these ones I made 9 years ago. You can try to find them ^^ (my standards have changed in ten years, one day I'll try to update these)

    I see the #SixFanarts everywhere here. I lack of time for this challenge, but it's the occasion to repost these ones I made 9 years ago. You can try to find them ^^
(my standards have changed in ten years, one day I'll try to update these)
    I see the #SixFanarts everywhere here. I lack of time for this challenge, but it's the occasion to repost these ones I made 9 years ago. You can try to find them ^^
(my standards have changed in ten years, one day I'll try to update these)
    I see the #SixFanarts everywhere here. I lack of time for this challenge, but it's the occasion to repost these ones I made 9 years ago. You can try to find them ^^
(my standards have changed in ten years, one day I'll try to update these)
    I see the #SixFanarts everywhere here. I lack of time for this challenge, but it's the occasion to repost these ones I made 9 years ago. You can try to find them ^^
(my standards have changed in ten years, one day I'll try to update these)

    And the most important top 10 :

    And the most important top 10 :

